NFLAT logoNFLAT, Norsk forening for lærere i Alexanderteknikk.


MOVE - with more ease - 25. mars 2023

  • Lørdag 25. mars kl.13:00-15:00
  • Atelier24 - tom 405, Torggata 10, Oslo
  • Pris: 350 kroner
  • På
  • We all know how important it is to be physically active, yet few realise the importance of the quality of our everyday movements. Movements are based on habits. This means we can create unnecessary tension without even noticing it. You can learn how to move with less effort. The Alexander Technique is a tool for doing just that. Join our workshop and discover how to move with more ease in whatever you do.


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  • Copyright © NFLAT, Norsk forening for lærere i Alexanderteknikk. Alle rettigheter reservert. Fotografi av Martin Tosterud og websider av Heroic dots.