NFLAT logoNFLAT, Norsk forening for lærere i Alexanderteknikk.


Support Your Voice When Singing - 23. mars 2023

  • Søndag 23. mars kl.15:00-17:30
  • Norsk skuespillersenter, Welhavens gt 1, Oslo
  • Pris: 490 kroner
  • Påmelding: Alexanderteknikk-institutt Oslo
  • This workshop has been tailored for both the professional and amateur singer.

    "As a singer, you are an expert in tuning the voice. The Alexander Technique helps tune your whole self. In this workshop, you will learn how to get better support from the whole body while performing, to present yourself fully in space, and to find support from the stage itself."

    Jörg Aßhoff is the director of Alexander-Technik-Schule Berlin and a highly experienced Alexander Technique teacher. He has been teaching since 1993 in his own private practice. Additionally, he has been teaching 15 years at the Universität der Künste (university of performing arts).


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  • Copyright © NFLAT, Norsk forening for lærere i Alexanderteknikk. Alle rettigheter reservert. Fotografi av Martin Tosterud og websider av Heroic dots.